
Instagram Guides For Beginners

Instagram Guides For Beginners

Social media users are becoming increasingly lazy. The ease of the online world and the instant gratification have led us to not bother with things that require us to go slightly out of our way, anymore.

This means that users do not want to have to leave an app to get more information, they want it integrated seamlessly into their feeds—otherwise, they will just scroll on.

Being able to create a compilation of posts around a certain theme is a brilliant way to recommend content to your audience. From sharing recommendations to creating informational threads, Instagram Guides are the best way to share new forms of information with your audience.

From this ebook, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the feature, an overview of Instagram Guides, and knowing when to use them.


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Instagram Guides for Beginners Ebook Introduction:

The ways in which we use social media are constantly changing and evolving. While initially a place for users to share photos with their family and friends and post aesthetically pleasing updates for people to be able to see what is happening in their lives; social media has increasingly become more integrated within consumer culture. Social media platforms have become increasingly more geared towards driving engagement and generating ad revenue. Some audiences who are primarily still using social media to connect and be “social” have been more resistant to this switch— but others love this integration. There are a plethora of ways to bridge this gap and encourage all types of audiences to engage willingly, and happily, with business accounts.

As everyone surely knows, Instagram is one of the most popular photo sharing platforms on social media today. According to Instagram’s own data, over 200 million users visit at least one business profile each day, 60% of users say that they have discovered a new product on Instagram and one third of the stories that receive the most views are posted by businesses.

As with the social media market as a whole, there has been a shift from Instagram being a social platform, to it being a media platform that places emphasis on unique content creation, as well as business and marketing. This is evidenced by its recent layout change which prioritizes shopping features–at an inconvenience to many personal users but is incredibly useful for businesses trying to sell products via Instagram. While it can seem negative to discuss the poor reaction by some users to this change in the platform, it is still important to be able to gauge market reaction to certain features. For example, some demographics will require a different level, intensity, or subtleness of marketing to overcome their initial disdain for business features.

This eBook is divided into three overall sections: firstly, explaining Instagram Guides, secondly, how Guides can be used, and thirdly promoting the Guides.

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