
Blogging Traffic Mantra

Blogging Traffic Mantra


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Blogging Traffic Mantra Ebook Introduction:

Making a living as a blogger has to be one of the sweetest gigs out there.
As a blogger, you’ll be able to earn passive income which means that your
money will flow in even as you’re sleeping, travelling or relaxing with
friends. You’re no long trading time for income and this is the point you
need to get to if you want to really be free and financially independent
(even being self-employed with clients is still pretty much like having a

What’s more, blogging means you get to earn that money by writing on a
topic that you find fascinating and you even get to become something of a
minor celebrity in your chosen niche. You can earn a lot of money here too
– if a blog takes off and becomes really successful then in theory you can
earn thousands a day. It’s incredibly scalable and there’s no ‘upper limit’
for what you can achieve.

Blogging Traffic Mantra Ebook Contents:


Latest Blogging Statistics

Things you will learn

Chapter 1: Picking Your Niche

Chapter 2: Selecting The Right Blog Platform
Choosing a Name and URL

Chapter 3: Efficient Ways to Customize Your Blog’s Appearance
Creating a Logo
Choosing Your Theme
Customizing Your Theme

Chapter 4: Tips To Create Killer Blog Content
Why ‘Content is King’?
How Much Content Should You Be Adding?
How Many Words Should Each Blog Post Be?
Choosing Topics

Chapter 5: Adding Video And Images To Blogs For Higher Engagement
How To Add A Video To Your Blog

Chapter 6: How To Profit From Your Blog?
Consider This Before You Spend A Single Cent On Advertising
Creating and Selling Products
Affiliate Marketing

Chapter 7: Building an E-Mail List

Chapter 8: Socializing Your Blog
The Basics
Creating a Community on Your Own Blog

Chapter 9: Important Pages to Have on Your Blog

Chapter 10: Conclusion
The Next Level – More Blogs
What We’ve Learned


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